How to Stop Self-Medicating With Alcohol

How to Stop Self-Medicating With Alcohol

Did you know that the National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that almost twenty million Americans struggle with a substance use disorder?

There are many different reasons someone might become addicted to alcohol or drugs. However, one common one is self-medication. If you think you’re self-medicating with alcohol, you’re likely researching ways to stop.

Luckily, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll help you determine whether or not you use alcohol to self-medicate.

Then, we’ll teach you some of the ways you can stop with programs like IOP in Southborough, MA or PHP. That way, you can get the help that you need.

How to Stop Self-Medicating With Alcohol

What Is Self-Medicating With Alcohol?

Before we begin it’s important to understand exactly what self-medicating with alcohol is. Self-medicating is the process of self-soothing during a particularly hard moment.

Maybe you’ve lost a job or a loved one. Or, you might be going through depression or similar existential despair. Regardless of the reason we temporarily relieve the suffering that comes with these conditions by indulging in the things that comfort us.

In this case, by numbing the pain with alcohol. Sadly, this form of self-medication can have some serious drawbacks. For one thing, it’s a temporary band-aid for a serious problem.

It might bring a little relief for a brief period. But, you will gradually need more and more alcohol if you keep medicating this way, That brings us to the second problem associated with self-medication: addiction.

The more you misuse substances like alcohol the more reliant on them you become. If you aren’t careful, then minor self-medicating can quickly transform into a full-blown substance use disorder.

When this happens you not only risk hurting yourself but also your relationships with others. There can be a lot of signs that you’re self-medicating.

Maybe you find yourself turning to alcohol whenever negative feelings arrive.

You might also feel worse when you’re drunk, or panic when you can’t get as drunk as you used to. If you’ve noticed these things in your life, then it’s time to consider help.

Different Treatment Options

In the last section, we mentioned some of the potential treatment programs that can help with self-medication.

In this section, we’ll be taking a closer look at three of these options. Specifically, we’ll explore PHP, IOP, and evening IOP.

Partial Hospitalization Program (or PHP)

The Partial Hospitalization Program offered here at Northstar Recovery Center is a great solution for people struggling with their self-medication.

If the thought of free, unstructured time during your substance misuse recovery journey stresses you out, then you should consider PHP. During PHP you’ll commit six hours for five days each week.

You’ll devote this time to both therapy and treatment options related to your specific needs. It’s more intensive than the other treatments in this section. But this makes it a great option for people struggling to get over their condition.

Intensive Outpatient Program (or IOP)

An Intensive Outpatient Program is a less demanding form of treatment than PHP. With IOP you’re only coming in two to three times a week for treatment. And these sessions tend to only last between two to four hours.

During this time you’ll receive both the physical and mental treatment that you need. It’s important to note that IOP might not be for everyone.

If you’ve previously relapsed, have a co-occurring disorder, or have an unstable home life, then you should consider a different option.

Evening IOP

If you want treatment, but you work a day job or go to school, then it can be hard to get time off for the IOP or PHP. So, what’s the solution?

Evening IOP is similar to the regular Intensive Outpatient Program, but it accommodates your busy schedule. It’s a good option for those that have a high risk of relapse or don’t trust themselves at home.

Our staff will monitor you until you get back on a path that feels right for you.

How to Stop Self-Medicating With Alcohol

Need Addiction Treatment in MA? Contact Northstar Recovery Center

We hope this article helped you learn how to stop self-medicating with alcohol. Often, people with substance use disorders think they can quit using entirely on their own.

While there might be some cases of this the reality is that you’ll be much more successful if you have a community of people standing behind you.

That’s why we started Northstar Recovery Center for addiction treatment in MA. We believe in providing our patients with evidence-backed strategies.

So, if you’re ready for the help you need to stop self-medicating, get in touch with us today.

Northstar Recovery Center in Southborough, MA is made up of a team of experienced, dedicated, and compassionate addiction treatment professionals. We want to see our community heal from the effects of the opioid epidemic, alcohol addiction, and other substance use disorders.

Day Treatment Program in MA

Our day treatment programs, referred to by commercial insurers as a partial hospitalization program (PHP) or intensive outpatient program (IOP), are the highest level of health care offered at Northstar Recovery Center. This outpatient addiction treatment option encompasses comprehensive clinical health care and behavioral health therapy services. In the initial stages of addiction recovery, it's crucial to have robust support to navigate both the physical and emotional challenges that come with pursuing long-term sobriety.

Our dedicated team at Northstar Recovery Center, located in Southborough, MA, and West Springfield, MA, is committed to assisting you in establishing a solid foundation for a lifelong recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol. Clients typically visit our outpatient addiction treatment center in Massachusetts each weekday for several hours, engaging in counseling sessions and other necessary interventions. This intensive outpatient therapy approach ensures a balanced and effective recovery process, tailored to individual needs within the framework of day treatment.


Individual, Group, and Family Counseling in Massachusetts

Addiction thrives in isolation, which is why group counseling sessions are a foundational part of our addiction treatment services. In group sessions, you’ll gain perspective on your struggles with substance use disorder and can connect with others who understand your experiences.

Family counseling can help your loved ones understand the disease of addiction, navigate conflict, develop better coping tools, and build healthier relationships. In individual counseling sessions, you’ll be able to work through personal issues like past trauma with the help of experienced therapists at our alcohol and drug treatment centers. Improve your quality of life and pursue lifelong sobriety now.

Learn More About Addiction Counseling in Massachusetts

Contact Northstar Recovery Center

Let us guide you on your journey to recovery from addiction. Connect with our team today.
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Why Hitting Rock Bottom Is Often Needed To Begin Addiction Recovery

Why Hitting Rock Bottom Is Often Needed To Begin Addiction Recovery

Did you know that nearly 20 million American adults suffer from at least one addiction, but only 10% of them seek addiction treatment? For many people, the catalyst for seeking drug and alcohol addiction treatment is hitting rock bottom. Once you’ve hit rock bottom, you can’t go any further down, so the best choice you can make is to try and get back up.

Reaching rock bottom often means going through a nervous, mental, or emotional breakdown. It’s often needed for someone to realize that addiction recovery is necessary. Take a look at why hitting rock bottom is so vital for some.

Why Hitting Rock Bottom Is Often Needed To Begin Addiction Recovery

What is Rock Bottom?

Rock bottom is a term commonly associated with drug or alcohol misuse, but it can also be associated with any type of mental health disorder, including depression and anxiety. A person who has hit rock bottom will have reached a limit when it comes to self-managing their issues. They will be fed up with living the life they’re living and won’t be able to see any hope for the future.

When people become desperate because they’ve hit rock bottom, substance misuse treatment can be a ray of hope. Addiction recovery programs are well established to provide the addict with the hope they need to take those first steps forward.

Signs of Rock Bottom

If you or someone you love has hit rock bottom, there will be clear signs to indicate it. You’re likely to feel overwhelmed, depressed, and fatigued. Some describe it as feeling broken.

Even though you feel these emotions, you may try your best to hide them and reserve asking for help as a last resort. There’s no period for rock bottom. Some people feel it for months, whereas others can feel it for years. 

Reaching rock bottom could be the result of suffering recent trauma like a bereavement, loss of a relationship, loss of a job, or an injury or illness. You may feel that simple tasks have become far more difficult.

You may not want to wake up in the morning to go to your job, you may avoid visiting the grocery store, and even showering can feel like a task. People who have hit rock bottom also try to avoid social gatherings for fear of their symptoms being recognized.

Some symptoms of rock bottom include depression, anxiety, stress, paranoia, and isolation. You may also notice that your habits and behaviors change. Perhaps you’ll binge eat when you feel hungry or rely more heavily on your addiction to get you through.

Symptoms can also manifest physically. For instance, you may experience dizziness, nausea, breathing difficulties, sweating, and muscle tension. Insomnia and nightmares can be particularly difficult symptoms to deal with and often add to other worsening symptoms.

Why does Rock Bottom Makes a Difference?

Hitting rock bottom can be a much-needed wake-up call. Most people will come to understand that once they reach the bottom, there’s no alternative but to seek help. You have to be desperate enough to listen to advice before applying it to your life.

This is why addiction programs like PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program) or IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program) are so important. It gives every patient the chance to receive sound advice and figure out what changes need to be made in order for sobriety to be successful. Rock bottom is the ideal starting place for recovery because patients are willing to do the work needed.

Getting Out of Rock Bottom

Getting out of rock bottom is entirely up to the patient. Although professionals will be able to give you the tools you need, it will be down to your resolve. People who hit rock bottom can be successful in sobriety because they don’t want to return to the place that made them feel so desperate.

Whether you choose outpatient addiction treatment or inpatient treatment, joining a recovery program will ensure you get professional help to equip you for facing your hardest days. There are programs to suit all, whether you want to be hospitalized or want to continue living your everyday life while receiving treatment.

Why Hitting Rock Bottom Is Often Needed To Begin Addiction Recovery

Start Your Recovery

If you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom, Northstar Recovery Center in MA can help. We offer a variety of programs that are accessible to everyone. From partial hospitalization which is designed for those in need of more support at the start of their recovery to intensive outpatient programs that offer support to those wanting to continue with everyday routines, we’ll find what’s suited you.

Our expert and friendly team is passionate about helping others to receive the healing they need to go on with their lives as healthily as possible. We want to help you gain the stability you need to rebuild your life and relationships, free from substance use disorder. Why not take a look at what our patients say about us so you feel secure enough to reach out?

Rock Bottom Leads to Addiction Recovery

The best case scenario is that hitting rock bottom leads to addiction recovery. There’s only one way to go when you’ve hit the floor but sometimes you need a helping hand up. At Northstar Recovery Center, we’re here to be your guiding light. 

Recovering from addiction isn’t an easy process but it’s certainly worth doing. If you’re fed up with living life at rock bottom, contact us today and we’ll give you all the information you need to get started.

Northstar Recovery Center in Southborough, MA is made up of a team of experienced, dedicated, and compassionate addiction treatment professionals. We want to see our community heal from the effects of the opioid epidemic, alcohol addiction, and other substance use disorders.

Day Treatment Program in MA

Our day treatment programs, referred to by commercial insurers as a partial hospitalization program (PHP) or intensive outpatient program (IOP), are the highest level of health care offered at Northstar Recovery Center. This outpatient addiction treatment option encompasses comprehensive clinical health care and behavioral health therapy services. In the initial stages of addiction recovery, it's crucial to have robust support to navigate both the physical and emotional challenges that come with pursuing long-term sobriety.

Our dedicated team at Northstar Recovery Center, located in Southborough, MA, and West Springfield, MA, is committed to assisting you in establishing a solid foundation for a lifelong recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol. Clients typically visit our outpatient addiction treatment center in Massachusetts each weekday for several hours, engaging in counseling sessions and other necessary interventions. This intensive outpatient therapy approach ensures a balanced and effective recovery process, tailored to individual needs within the framework of day treatment.


Individual, Group, and Family Counseling in Massachusetts

Addiction thrives in isolation, which is why group counseling sessions are a foundational part of our addiction treatment services. In group sessions, you’ll gain perspective on your struggles with substance use disorder and can connect with others who understand your experiences.

Family counseling can help your loved ones understand the disease of addiction, navigate conflict, develop better coping tools, and build healthier relationships. In individual counseling sessions, you’ll be able to work through personal issues like past trauma with the help of experienced therapists at our alcohol and drug treatment centers. Improve your quality of life and pursue lifelong sobriety now.

Learn More About Addiction Counseling in Massachusetts

Contact Northstar Recovery Center

Let us guide you on your journey to recovery from addiction. Connect with our team today.
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Why Are Some Groups Less Likely To Seek Addiction Treatment?

Why Are Some Groups Less Likely To Seek Addiction Treatment?

Many factors can determine how likely a person is to recover from addiction—and to become addicted in the first place. The average number of attempts people make before succeeding is five, with the median number at two. It’s by no means a black-and-white issue.

But one thing is sure: a person isn’t going to recover if they don’t actively want and seek to get better. The tricky thing about this is that certain groups are statistically less likely to seek addiction treatment in Massachusetts for many different reasons.

Today we will be looking at who these groups are and what some of the reasons behind their reluctance could be. Read on to learn more about many individuals’ complicated relationships with addiction and addiction treatment in MA.

addiction treatment in MA

A Brief Look at the History of Addiction Treatment

It was all the way back in the late 1700s that someone—a man named Benjamin Rush—first made the case that addiction was a disease and needed to be treated as such. Even though this may seem like a long time ago, this wasn’t something that was readily accepted as fact for a long time.

The first rehab center was established in 1864, but back then treatments that would be questionable by today’s standards were commonplace. In fact, famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud recommended the use of cocaine to cure alcohol addiction. It was only in the 1910s that several states mandated the sterilization of the mentally ill, developmentally disabled, and alcoholics and addicts.

Things began to improve around the mid-1900s with the formation of Alcoholics Anonymous and the invention of the Minnesota Model. Since then, methods used in addiction recovery have been revised and refined even further. Things like an intensive outpatient program or partial hospitalization program are much more commonplace.

However, the stigma surrounding addiction recovery still remains. Stigma aside for a moment, there are plenty of other reasons a person from a particular might have trouble seeking addiction treatment for drugs and alcohol.

What Are the Groups Less Likely to Seek Addiction Treatment?

There are a few different groups that tend to have a harder time getting treatment for their addictions. Each group’s reasons vary slightly. You might be surprised to learn about the nature of some of these groups, while for others the difficulty in seeking treatment makes perfect sense.

  • People Experiencing Homelessness
  • Those Living in Remote Areas
  • Mentally Ill Individuals
  • People with Lower Socioeconomic Status

People Experiencing Homelessness

There are a few different reasons a person without a stable place to live might struggle with getting help for their addiction treatment. The first and most obvious is that many treatment programs cost money which these people simply don’t have. As well as this, they could be staying in shelters that house other people with addiction issues, which isn’t conducive to a successful recovery journey.

It’s estimated that between one-third and one-quarter of the homeless population in the US suffers from mental illness. As we’ll explore below, poor mental health can be a huge obstacle in seeking effective addiction treatment.

Those Living in Remote Areas

For those living in cities and larger metropolitan areas, it might seem as though a lack of addiction treatment centers isn’t a challenge facing Americans today. But of course, for much of the population, this is a serious issue.

There are huge disparities between different geographical locations in terms of the healthcare available there. While it might be relatively easy to find addiction treatment in Springfield, MA for example, in smaller towns and cities, it’s going to be a lot more difficult.

Lower Socioeconomic Status Groups

A lack of financial resources is one of the biggest roadblocks to people getting the treatment they need. This is true for any sort of medical treatment. Addiction treatment is no different.

The amount of coverage that insurance companies provide for this type of treatment varies greatly. This results in many people having to pay out of pocket. This is something many people can’t afford.

Did you know that black people and Hispanics are less likely than white people to complete addiction treatment? It’s true and this fact is largely due to socioeconomic factors.

The official poverty rate in 2020 was 11%. Unfortunately, the number of people who simply can’t afford to go through addiction treatment is far greater.

Those with Mental Health Issues

Mental health challenges can make it difficult for a person to seek and complete treatment. Oftentimes, addiction and mental health issues are intertwined. It can be difficult to treat one without treating the other.

But often a condition such as depression or bipolar disorder, when left untreated, can make it seem impossible for a person to seek treatment. Addiction is a mental health issue in and of itself, and it can be a struggle to deal with two serious mental health challenges at once.

Why Are Some Groups Less Likely To Seek Addiction Treatment?

Looking for Addiction Treatment in MA?

Addiction is difficult. This is true at the best of times. Throw in any of the above mitigating factors, and it can be a minefield to navigate.

But all hope isn’t lost. It’s never too late for you to seek the treatment you need.  Northstar Recovery Center offers a range of different treatments. From IOP and PHP to CBT and SUD treatment, you can find the best addiction treatment for you.

If you’d like to learn more about our services, we’d be happy to help. Get in touch with a member of our trusted team today.

Northstar Recovery Center in Southborough, MA is made up of a team of experienced, dedicated, and compassionate addiction treatment professionals. We want to see our community heal from the effects of the opioid epidemic, alcohol addiction, and other substance use disorders.

Day Treatment Program in MA

Our day treatment programs, referred to by commercial insurers as a partial hospitalization program (PHP) or intensive outpatient program (IOP), are the highest level of health care offered at Northstar Recovery Center. This outpatient addiction treatment option encompasses comprehensive clinical health care and behavioral health therapy services. In the initial stages of addiction recovery, it's crucial to have robust support to navigate both the physical and emotional challenges that come with pursuing long-term sobriety.

Our dedicated team at Northstar Recovery Center, located in Southborough, MA, and West Springfield, MA, is committed to assisting you in establishing a solid foundation for a lifelong recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol. Clients typically visit our outpatient addiction treatment center in Massachusetts each weekday for several hours, engaging in counseling sessions and other necessary interventions. This intensive outpatient therapy approach ensures a balanced and effective recovery process, tailored to individual needs within the framework of day treatment.


Individual, Group, and Family Counseling in Massachusetts

Addiction thrives in isolation, which is why group counseling sessions are a foundational part of our addiction treatment services. In group sessions, you’ll gain perspective on your struggles with substance use disorder and can connect with others who understand your experiences.

Family counseling can help your loved ones understand the disease of addiction, navigate conflict, develop better coping tools, and build healthier relationships. In individual counseling sessions, you’ll be able to work through personal issues like past trauma with the help of experienced therapists at our alcohol and drug treatment centers. Improve your quality of life and pursue lifelong sobriety now.

Learn More About Addiction Counseling in Massachusetts

Contact Northstar Recovery Center

Let us guide you on your journey to recovery from addiction. Connect with our team today.
Call Us Now

Why Addiction Treatment in Newton, MA Is Necessary

Why Addiction Treatment in Newton, MA Is Necessary

Drugs are sweeping across Newton. In a 2018 survey, 22% of Newton high school students reported drinking alcohol in the last 30 days. 17% reported using marijuana at least once, and marijuana use was more common than tobacco use. 

Teenagers and adults alike can benefit from addiction treatment in Newton. Yet many people who use drugs hesitate to get help. If you’re considering addiction treatment in Newton, MA, you should think about how addiction treatment can help you overcome drug use. 

What causes substance use disorder? What leads to relapses, and can someone receive treatment after a relapse? What options for treatment are there? 

Answer these questions, and you can get the help you deserve for substance use. Here is your quick guide.

addiction treatment in Newton, MA

Addiction Is a Brain Disease

Many people believe that substance use disorder is based on personal decisions an individual makes. They use drugs due to “personal weakness,” and they just need to use willpower to break free. In reality, substance use is a complicated phenomenon. 

A person’s brain has many different circuits that control different bodily functions. One of them is the reward circuit. When a person does a healthy or productive activity, the brain creates hormones and chemicals to encourage the individual to do the activity again. 

Drugs can hijack the reward circuit. They can trick the brain into producing a massive supply of chemicals. This encourages someone to use more drugs. 

As a person continues to use drugs, the substances skew the reward circuit. The circuit only fires when drugs are circulating in a person’s system, and it may produce a small supply of chemicals. In order to feel what they felt when they started using drugs, someone has to consume a large supply of drugs. 

This has led doctors to suggest that substance use disorder is a brain disease, not a moral failing. To tackle their substance use problems, a person needs medical help to change their brain functioning. This means addiction treatment in MA

Relapses Are Common

More than 50% of people with substance use disorders relapse, even after treatment. Relapses can occur for many different reasons.

Some people use drugs again because their brains are still dependent on substances for pleasure. Other people relapse because of social pressure, consuming drugs after a friend or relative offers them drugs. They may also relapse to escape stress. 

Relapses do not suggest that drug treatment has failed. But many people take relapses to mean that they cannot be cured of substance use disorder. They may continue using drugs, believing they can never change.

The best way to avoid and recover from relapses is to pursue addiction treatment. You can return to the same center, or you can try out new therapies. 

You Have Options for Addiction Treatment in Newton

There is no one model of addiction treatment that works for everyone. You can experiment with a few different programs and talk to a therapist about your options. 


During a partial hospitalization program (PHP), you receive therapy multiple times a week. You can be in a drug treatment center for up to six hours a day, five days a week. You can leave once you’re done for the day and attend to your job and other responsibilities. 

You can receive the same therapies as someone who is in the treatment center for the entire day. Individual counseling involves personal sessions with your therapist.

You can talk about whatever you want, including things unrelated to substance use. You can learn about ways to cope with stress and difficult memories. 

You can also try group and family counseling. In group counseling, you will be with others who have had similar experiences with substance use. You can make friends and learn about how others have coped with their history. 

In family counseling, you and your family talk to a therapist. You can talk about experiences you all went through and learn new coping mechanisms. 


An intense outpatient program (IOP) is another treatment program that lets you receive therapies while holding down a job and other responsibilities. However, an IOP requires more time than most outpatient programs. You may go to therapy for more than 10 hours a week.

A therapist may ask that you practice the skills you learn in therapy in the real world. When you are feeling stressed, they may ask you to ground yourself, take deep breaths, and talk to someone about your thoughts. 

Most IOPs center around group therapy. Therapists step back and allow the participants to speak freely, improving their communication skills. They can offer and receive feedback on how their substance use treatment is going.

You may try out a few different kinds of group therapy. Psychoeducational group therapy involves emotional support. You can learn about how substance use disorder starts and how it can affect the body. 

Refusal training involves role-playing. You rehearse how you can handle invitations to use substances and how you can avoid triggers. 

You can pursue an evening IOP. You can go to work in the morning and afternoon and then travel to the treatment center at night for therapy. But you can schedule therapy whenever it is convenient for you.

intense outpatient program (IOP)

The Essentials of Addiction Treatment in Newton

Addiction treatment in Newton can provide substantial help. Many people need medical assistance with substance use because substances affect their brain circuits. Relapses can be discouraging, and getting medical assistance can bring people back on track. 

You have a range of options to help you out. If you need assistance throughout the week, you can try a partial hospitalization program. If you want group therapy and intensive training, you can join an intensive outpatient program, including evening programs.

Seize your opportunities for help. The Northstar Recovery Center serves Newton residents. Contact us today.

Northstar Recovery Center in Southborough, MA is made up of a team of experienced, dedicated, and compassionate addiction treatment professionals. We want to see our community heal from the effects of the opioid epidemic, alcohol addiction, and other substance use disorders.

Day Treatment Program in MA

Our day treatment programs, referred to by commercial insurers as a partial hospitalization program (PHP) or intensive outpatient program (IOP), are the highest level of health care offered at Northstar Recovery Center. This outpatient addiction treatment option encompasses comprehensive clinical health care and behavioral health therapy services. In the initial stages of addiction recovery, it's crucial to have robust support to navigate both the physical and emotional challenges that come with pursuing long-term sobriety.

Our dedicated team at Northstar Recovery Center, located in Southborough, MA, and West Springfield, MA, is committed to assisting you in establishing a solid foundation for a lifelong recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol. Clients typically visit our outpatient addiction treatment center in Massachusetts each weekday for several hours, engaging in counseling sessions and other necessary interventions. This intensive outpatient therapy approach ensures a balanced and effective recovery process, tailored to individual needs within the framework of day treatment.


Individual, Group, and Family Counseling in Massachusetts

Addiction thrives in isolation, which is why group counseling sessions are a foundational part of our addiction treatment services. In group sessions, you’ll gain perspective on your struggles with substance use disorder and can connect with others who understand your experiences.

Family counseling can help your loved ones understand the disease of addiction, navigate conflict, develop better coping tools, and build healthier relationships. In individual counseling sessions, you’ll be able to work through personal issues like past trauma with the help of experienced therapists at our alcohol and drug treatment centers. Improve your quality of life and pursue lifelong sobriety now.

Learn More About Addiction Counseling in Massachusetts

Contact Northstar Recovery Center

Let us guide you on your journey to recovery from addiction. Connect with our team today.
Call Us Now

Executive Addiction Treatment is Available for Weston, MA

Executive Addiction Treatment is Available for Weston, MA

If you’re a Massachusetts resident struggling with a substance use disorder, you’re far from alone. But now’s the time to seek substance misuse treatments. Data from January – March 2022 shows that opioid overdoses have already claimed the lives of 155 people, with a further 436 expected in the rest of the year.

There’s no need for you to become part of these statistics. Even if you’re a busy professional, there are executive addiction treatment options that can fit with your schedule and get you on the road to a complete recovery.

Let’s explore them together so you can find the right program for your needs.

Executive Addiction Treatment is Available for Weston, MA

Who Is Executive Addiction Treatment For?

In Massachusetts, people from all backgrounds are dealing with substance misuse. It affects people from every ethnic group, every level of education, and every income bracket.

You may be well-educated and hold down a responsible job. But this doesn’t make you immune to substance use disorder. The good news is that there are several rehab center options just waiting to give you the support you need.

Addiction treatment in MA includes help for people using:

  • Opioids
  • Alcohol
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Heroin
  • Stimulants 
  • Barbiturates
  • Cocaine
  • Many other substances

If you don’t see the substance you’re struggling with listed here, don’t despair. Talk to the admissions service to find out what programs can support your recovery. 

Substance misuse treatments are never one-size-fits-all programs. They need to be tailored to the needs of individuals. Some individuals may need a complete break from their routine to dedicate time to their recovery.

Others are able to benefit from a lighter approach to treatment. Virtual consultations and evening sessions may be enough to make the breakthrough they need. 

What Executive Treatment Options Are Available?

Executive addiction treatment acknowledges that busy professionals may not be able to drop everything and enter rehab full-time.

It also recognizes the unique barriers to treatment that executives and other high-flyers may have to overcome. This can include concerns about the impact of their absence on the business. There may also be a fear of the impact on their reputation if they seek addiction treatment

It goes without saying that confidentiality is of the utmost importance in executive rehab. It’s possible that with one of these flexible programs, your colleagues or employees may not even notice that you’re gone.

Even if they can commit to a full-time program, they may need access to computers or conference facilities. This can help them keep on top of certain responsibilities while focusing on their recovery. Flexible programs also allow time for business travel. 

Executive addiction treatment focuses on providing solutions that don’t compromise your job while getting you the treatment you urgently need.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

PHP is one of the more intensive executive addiction treatment programs. It requires people to attend for up to 6 hours a day, five days a week. Depending on your needs, the treatment program may go on for several weeks or even months. 

In the PHP program, you’ll use your time to focus on therapy and other treatments in a safe environment. You’ll be working with others who are on their personal recovery journeys

In a regular PHP program, you’d be expected to cut off contact with the outside world. But this is not the case with executive addiction treatment. You’ll be able to schedule your therapy around your work commitments.

This allows you to go ahead with meetings, both in person and via videoconferencing. 

An international study showed that stress is a major trigger for substance misuse. Learning to deal with the stress that’s an integral part of a responsible job is a key part of executive rehab. Individual therapy can help you understand how you handle stress and give you the tools to avoid stress-related triggers.

Group therapy and support groups give you the chance to give and receive support. In this safe, confidential environment, participants can share what works for them and can provide mutual accountability as well as support.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

The IOP is most suitable for people whose substance misuse does not require hospitalization and can commit to a longer recovery period. It’s a flexible program, which can work well with the commitments that busy professionals have. Typically, you may spend two to four hours each day engaging with the program.

This allows you to keep up with much of your normal routine. One of the executive rehab benefits is that you’re recovering from substance misuse in your normal environment. You’re learning day by day how to cope with daily triggers.

This can provide an excellent foundation for successfully coping in the long run.

Virtual PHP and IOP

The world has moved on in the last couple of years and more and more of us prefer to attend virtual meetings. Now both PHP and IOP have been adapted to allow you to attend them virtually from the comfort of your own home.

Virtual PHP is most suitable for those with moderate to severe symptoms. It’s an in-depth form of treatment that requires committing several hours a day to your recovery. You can structure your therapy sessions around work meetings and keep up with your commitments.

Virtual IOP provides the same level of support as an in-person program. It includes daily group meetings, counseling, and talking therapies. You can schedule therapy around your work so that you get the best of both worlds.

Evening IOP

If your addiction treatment in MA does not require inpatient support, then evening IOP could be right for you.

It allows you to schedule your therapy in the evenings, giving you the day for work and family commitments. You benefit from the same structure, accountability, and therapies. But it also allows you to keep up with your other responsibilities.

5 Reasons Why a Drug Rehab in Springfield, MA Can Help

Choose Northstar Recovery Center for Addiction Treatment in MA

For any Weston, MA-based professional looking for local addiction treatment, Northstar Recovery Center is a great choice.

Our executive addiction treatment provides the support you need while allowing you to keep up with your business commitments. You can be assured of complete confidentiality and a flexible approach that works for you.

To find out more about how we can help, call us at (888) 311-0911 or contact us online today!

Northstar Recovery Center in Southborough, MA is made up of a team of experienced, dedicated, and compassionate addiction treatment professionals. We want to see our community heal from the effects of the opioid epidemic, alcohol addiction, and other substance use disorders.

Day Treatment Program in MA

Our day treatment programs, referred to by commercial insurers as a partial hospitalization program (PHP) or intensive outpatient program (IOP), are the highest level of health care offered at Northstar Recovery Center. This outpatient addiction treatment option encompasses comprehensive clinical health care and behavioral health therapy services. In the initial stages of addiction recovery, it's crucial to have robust support to navigate both the physical and emotional challenges that come with pursuing long-term sobriety.

Our dedicated team at Northstar Recovery Center, located in Southborough, MA, and West Springfield, MA, is committed to assisting you in establishing a solid foundation for a lifelong recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol. Clients typically visit our outpatient addiction treatment center in Massachusetts each weekday for several hours, engaging in counseling sessions and other necessary interventions. This intensive outpatient therapy approach ensures a balanced and effective recovery process, tailored to individual needs within the framework of day treatment.


Individual, Group, and Family Counseling in Massachusetts

Addiction thrives in isolation, which is why group counseling sessions are a foundational part of our addiction treatment services. In group sessions, you’ll gain perspective on your struggles with substance use disorder and can connect with others who understand your experiences.

Family counseling can help your loved ones understand the disease of addiction, navigate conflict, develop better coping tools, and build healthier relationships. In individual counseling sessions, you’ll be able to work through personal issues like past trauma with the help of experienced therapists at our alcohol and drug treatment centers. Improve your quality of life and pursue lifelong sobriety now.

Learn More About Addiction Counseling in Massachusetts

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